well, i managed to catch it...the respiratory flu from hell. i've had it for almost a full week now. i know, i know, you're asking, "em, why on earth would you want to catch
that?" funny you should ask. maybe because i was beginning to take the simple things like, say, breathing for granted. maybe because i wanted to test my new husband's mad nursing skills. maybe because i thought it was my chance to win the local snoring competition with what josh has dubbed my sickie "death rattle". whatever the case, i'm beginning to think i might actually survive it... if i don't accidentally hack up my lungs, that is.
in the haze of an otherwise fever-filled week, there was a full lunar eclipse last night. we had a perfect view of it from our deck. while watching "tommy boy" together for the first time, josh and i ran outside every ten minutes or so to check the progress, and were able to watch the moon disappear. what must people have thought before there was a scientific explanation for what we witnessed?
i really love the moon. my first published poem, written when i was about 4, was about the moon. i've often thought that if i weren't a christian, i'd be a moon worshipper. it's even cooler though to think that the same god who created the moon created me too.
that blurry amoeba of light in the sky (no, not josh) is the almost fully eclipsed moon.

sharing germs
1 comment:
Hi Ems! I got your comment on my blog today! Thanks for being the first to welcome me!
I hope you are feeling better...I have the crud right now too (thanks to a student in my class who sneezed on me)! The pics of the moon are so pretty- here it was cloudy so we only caught glimpses!
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