Thursday, March 20, 2008

new life

the sun is dazzlingly bright this morning. the sky is baby blue. there's a whisper of breeze dancing with the trees. the birds are singing an opera whose words are known only to them, but their meaning is clear. they believe spring has arrived. and i can feel the same hope creeping into my winter-weary soul. i'm ready to soak sun into my skin. and more than ever before, i'm feeling the desire to begin spring cleaning in our new home together. out with the old, in with the new! welcome color. welcome light. welcome spring. welcome new life. welcome Giver of new life.

maybe i can get rid of some of my spring cleaning discards here:

Friday, March 7, 2008

good news

i just heard from kat, and josiah is back to himself today! his fever seems to be gone, and he was busily eating noodles. :o)

jay & kat treated his fever all night, and decided to reschedule the follow-up appointment with the doc, since the weather there is nasty today and josiah was finally sleeping.

thank you for showing us love by your prayers. praise god for answering them so mercifully! and now for another fun photo of the smiley boy with his 90-year-old great grandma....

"like cold water to a weary soul is good news from a distant land."
-proverbs 25:25

update on josiah

josiah celebrating with us at our wedding

the hospital put josiah on an i.v. of antibiotics yesterday, still not knowing what is causing his fever. though still very sick and exhausted, he seemed stable, so they released him to spend the night at home with his family. praise god! i'm sure he could sleep better in his usual surroundings. this morning they have to take him back to the doctor to try to determine what's going on.

thank you so much for your prayers. my family feels very blessed to know that even strangers are praying for josiah and our family. i will let you know more when i do, so you can check back later for updates.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

please pray

for this little boy, our nephew, josiah. this is an older photo, but josiah is 2 years old now, and is the friendliest, happiest little boy we've ever known. some of you may have met him at our wedding. his family lives in florida.

yesterday, while his mom, kat, was driving and josiah was in his carseat, he had a grand mal seizure. they were taken by ambulance to the hospital, where the doctors determined that josiah's seizure was due to a very high fever that came on very suddenly. they ran several tests and ruled out meningitis, but his high fever has persisted; and although they can tell there is an infection in his blood, they don't know what's causing it or how to treat it yet.

will you please pray for my brother jay, his wife kat, my two teenage nieces, julia & lauren, and most of all for josiah? pray that god will give the doctors and nurses at the hospital wisdom. pray that josiah's life will be protected and his fever will be relieved. pray for comfort for them all. thank you!